Join the BETA program

Over the last year, we've been working on some short self-paced learning. Covering various subjects. It's foundational knowledge for product people, including "Talking to customers".

As you can see in the video below the production quality is great, lots of thanks go to Dan Rose for the foundational branding elements, Tom Paddon for the animations and Greg Moore for the video work. Working with them I'm learned so much about how to create content.

It's not that creating these is the first time we've run the material though, in fact, we've run the live sessions many times to refine it, then codified it into videos to make it more easily accessible to you all.

The content is inspired by many greats who I have learned from, with our own spin on it.

The BETA program for the first short course, "Talking to customers" will go live soon on Teachable. If you are interested in access to it send an e-mail to

Phil Hornby

Co-host of Talking Roadmaps

Passionate product professional. Helping entrepreneurial product teams to be successful. Coach. Trainer. Facilitator.

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